Questions & Answers

Simply put, solar is the most abundant source of energy on Earth. About 173,000 terawatts of solar energy strike the Earth at any given time - more t…

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Our sun is a natural nuclear reactor. It releases tiny packets of energy called photons, which travel the 93 million miles from the sun to Earth in a…

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Weather conditions can impact the amount of electricity a solar system produces, but not exactly in the way you might think.


Perfect conditions …

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Obviously, some provinces get more sun than others. So the real question is: if weather can affect solar energy production, are some states better ca…

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When photons hit a solar cell, they knock electrons loose from their atoms. If conductors are attached to the positive and negative sides of a cell, …

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Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are made up of many solar cells. Solar cells are made of silicon, like semiconductors. They are constructed with a pos…

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PV solar panels generate direct current (DC) electricity. With DC electricity, electrons flow in one direction around a circuit. This example shows a…

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A solar inverter takes the DC electricity from the solar array and uses that to create AC electricity. Inverters are like the brains of the system. A…

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Here's an example of how a home solar energy installation works. First, sunlight hits a solar panel on the roof. The panels convert the energy to DC …

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How many solar panels does the average house need? How many solar panels do I need for a 3-bedroom house? How many solar panels do I need for a 2000 …

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To determine your home’s average energy requirements, look at past utility bills. You can calculate how many solar panels you need by multiplying you…

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Look at your electricity bill for average usage. Look for “Kilowatt Hours (or kWh) Used” or something similar, and then note the length of time repre…

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Here’s where solar panel quality makes a difference. Not all solar panels are alike. Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels (most commonly used in residentia…

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If you have a small or unusually shaped roof, solar panel size and numbers are important considerations. With a large usable roof area, perhaps you c…

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If you’re planning on installing a rooftop solar system, understanding the weight of your solar panels is another key factor to consider. Knowing a s…

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